
Thursday 30 May 2013

Almond Meringues

I do not know how you get that weird looking french 'a' in the word melange(I can copy it from google,but I am just too lazy today..). But..But.. But.. it is absolutely surprising how you can make stuff that tastes brilliant,it's a dessert,and here's the best part..It is healthy. The only other dessert that you may come to call healthy(if you consider them in the category of desserts) is fruit.

Guess how many ingredients at max? Not 5,not 4,not 3,not 2..okay I was lying,it's 3
Egg whites,sugar and the most non obvious ingredient....Almonds. It was only after I finished eating that I realized that the thing had almonds........ .......... ........Okay,I guess there mighhht be a bit of gelatin too...Just a hunch(this time it's serious)
Okay now the story. I headed south of Mumbai after I had a few prior engagements. I went to my mom's office,I actually barged in,okay not like Arnold Schwarzenegger through a wall in terminator... I went in unannounced(Okay,they didn't have a mic for's an office after all..)..Hmm..Not good,Not good.. I went in without notifying..(That sounds like we are living inside Facebook..) OKKKAY basically you get the point,I'm sure,Do not throw that rotten tomato on the screen!

So my mom's busy with her business and desperately wants me to go away. So she hands me this Rs .500 note and in her won subtle ways,basically told me to fuck off.. I happily did so. So now if I want cash,I'll go and sit in front of her when she's busy in her office(Hoping that is not for long..I want to earn my own stash!!!).
After fucking off from her office,I went to this bakery(one of the good ones in the city). The next part is funny. The bakery is called GAYLORD..
.Okay..moving on(Where do these fellows get these names?). Hey you!! Dirty mind!! Yeah you!! It's the lord of happiness!! Was it that difficult to figure out?? Even I figured it out after typing a paragraph..and then I felt enlightened..Time for you..
Gibberish aside,I asked the counter fellow what it's made out of.
He told me the three ingredients mentioned above. Actually,before he told me,I'd kind of figured it out..I'm smart you see?? Do you??(See..)
Okay completely serious now..Things following from now on are the reason I wanted to start this blog separately...The recipe hasn't been copied from google..I definitely didn't ask the fellow how to make it.. So if you check this thing and find the description similar to what follows,please give me an imaginary pat on my back..

I guess I figured how to make this thing.
1)First,get hold of egg whites(Do it however you can..)
2)Try and dissolve sugar into the egg whites..
3)add chopped almonds..
If you have tried whisking eggs for a prolonged period,you may have noticed these things turning fluffy.. If you do this for a while longer,they get to this light snow-ish consistency.
4)So what are you waiting for?? Go whisk that mixture.
   Okay,one thing to note...If you plan to whisk it all the way to the point where it turns into snow- white,it's going to be a pain in the.........arm.
preferably use some food processor for #4.
5)Okay,this should probably come somewhere after #3...I'm not too sure about this one,but I'll add it anyway...
Take about 3 tea-spoons of water.Add about half tea-spoon of gelatin powder(available prepackaged). Dissolve the gelatin.
Add a spoon or two of this mixture after step #3. Then...Happy whisking.
6)Put whatever you get after whisking into a PIPING CONE.Figure that one out yourself. I know what it is.But then I won't just let you bask in glory all by yourself.
Pipe the stuff in whatever shape you like on a sheet of butter paper.
7)Pop the thing in the oven...(and switch the oven on)...100 degrees Celsius about should do I guess
8)I am going to try it myself.

This feels like putting your intuitive(not even theoretical) knowledge to the test. The only potential mistake I can see is in that gelatin. But I guess it'll work.

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